Elijah Murray

Entrepreneur | Adventurer | UIX Strategist

Only D*****bags Believe in Luck

“Ohmygawd, he’s so lucky!”

I hear this on a freakishly frequent basis, and every time it rankles. I feel alone in my plight against the lucksters of our world. Where did they come from? Why does no one else help with the “Good Fight”?

Whether you’re a sportsman, a sports fan, videogamer, careerist or lackluster individual, you will hear the luck-pandemic being bandied about often in every day conversation.

“How the hell did he make that shot?”

“You did not just get anoooother kill!”

“She got promoted and I didn’t. @&%!”

Regardless of the situation, 95% of people who say the above are douchebags. And here’s why.

Anything skill-based is dismissed immediately when described as lucky. The statement strips all merit and all skill out of a win, making it mere happenstance; it’s now no different than the probability of getting run over by a semi truck on a Tuesday. It’s all pure chance...

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